Tuesday, November 23, 2010


क्या पूछते हो हाल हमारा ,
क्यूँ चेहरे पर निशां घिर आये हैं ,
कैसे बताये तुझको ऐ दोस्त ,
किस मंज़र से गुज़र कर आये हैं |

-----अजय गौतम 'आह़त'

Thursday, October 7, 2010


दिन सोने लगा अनजानें में,
जुल्फों को न ऐसे बिखराओ,
टूट न जाये ये सितारें कहीं ,
पलकों को ज़रा आहिस्ता गिराओ  |

हंसो न तुम खिलखिलाकर ,
सब शिकायत करते हैं ,

. . . . . .

------ajay gautam ' आह़त '

Sunday, October 3, 2010

My dreams during 3:00 AM to 10:00 AM

This is the list of dreams which i saw today . I dont know whats the relation between all these events in a single dream.
(Note : its without manipulating and without adding anything extra.)

1. Someone's engagement whom i know and rush , crowding in ones house.

2. I lost my notes .

3. I'm working somewhere and my boss has something to tell but he does not get time.

4. India hits 3 fours in first over of Pak. Pak hits few fours and few sixes in first over of India.

5. Somebody bought me less expensive shoes . I bought my younger brother more expensive shoes.

6. Mom saying stay home for few days and go for shopping and buy some new clothes.

7. A gangster threatens to kill me if he ever sees me.

8. I cleared first step of my exam.

The list may look simple but sometimes when you are in sleep you get panicked .I did not get much sleep in my sleep.

The weird thing is that I always remember my dreams.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

J&K, Naxalite and Honor Killing.

Every day when I open news paper there are three news which constantly cover up the main page . The unrest on Kashmir's street, terror related to Naxalite and the inhuman self governance of Khap.
The clashes between the police and protester in the kashmir valley resulted in killing of eleven people so far from the beginning of summer. This region is the economically backward region of Kashmir. The unrest of people against government, bureaucracy, their own elected representatives have created havoc. But this clash appears more than the people anger. One can not deny the involvement of unsocial elements which are taking advantage of this opportunity. The unemployed youth became the puppet of local leaders and political parties. The religious leaders cash this moment to intensify the emotions of people which further give oil to fire. Also some anti Indian elements fuel it with anti Indian , independent Kashmir like speeches and slogans.

The most contemporary issue is the problem of Naxalism. Yes they were tribal people but not any more. If they are then how do they get AK-47? Yes still there are no sign of development but if Government wants to develop then why are they preventing? How can government do any development works in the shadow of terror? How can a block level development officer can walk that area freely and do some work ? Yes I admit that there is somewhere harassment of tribal women and men by some police personals as pop up often in newspapers . These criminal police personals are liable to have great punishment. But by killing masses, what point they want to prove? Why do they talk but with guns? The social leaders and supporters of naxalism , they only talk in air. If they are the true wellwishers then why do they always talk about Naxal's problem? why they dont talk about some solutions? They can suggest some middle way or search some peace way so that this problem can be overtaken by some solution. Are they hopeless to have any solution?

I am not against tribal people and their problems, I agree there are injustice done to them in terms of social development, economic development and political development. The government have been not very responsive to their problems since independence due to some corrupt bureaucracy and mean politics. But at the same time to have justice naxalites took the help of gun. This created crack between the government and them which got wider as time passed.

The last but not the least the news related to honor killing mainly in Haryana and western UP captures the attention since 2-3 years. People can not marry in number of villages because they are in same 'gotra', and if they do simply the elders will kill them to save their so called honor. How can ancient relation still continues to relate them brothers and sisters?

Let me put some views on origin of 'gotra'. Many historian and researcher agree that, " In vedic sanskrit the word "gotra" originally meant "cow-pen." Cows were at the time the most valuable possession of a family group, so with time, the term "gotra" began to refer to the family group who owned a particular pen of cows . The term was associated eventually with just the family group and its lineage. (you can also check in wikipedia ) ". After centuries of centuries is this become so much matter of pride that people have to shed blood of their own?
May be I do not know deeply what is the custom of their own but attempting such type of crimes are inhuman and greatly unconstitutional. It is very sad that these areas are very close to the national capital but still they are underdeveloped. The conditions of women in terms of social, literacy , decision making are very much shadowed by male community. May be the development of women is not the matter of pride.

In the end, the problem of unrest on Kashmir's streets much needed central government attention. The state government heavily depends on suppressing people with the help of police force. Development of Kashmir valley should be sought as top priority. Large number of employment opportunities should be generated for youths so they can not be misled by anti Indian elements.

As I said earlier that the social leader and supporter of Naxalism should bring some solution with the government otherwise this problem will never last. Killing of innocence people, blowing of railway, post offices, government properties, banks will never lead to development of red corridor. It will go backward . Central government should mitigate political differences with state governments whether they are their own party government or others and do work together to fight naxalism.  Development refers to not only physical but in all dimension it includes social , economic and political development. One must remember development can not be brought with the help of guns.

Honor killing must be socially condemned. Government should be hard on this issue . Killing is killing whether it honors anyone or not. Measure should be taken to enhance the progress of women. I do not understand why Human Rights Commission and National Commission for Women are least interested in this matter?

- Ajay Gautam ' आह़त '